Dual Wielding: He picked up Archer's dual wielding style.Determinator: Not even getting killed over and over make Shirou give up.Doubly so when it's later revealed that the Shirou the readers have been following for most of the visual novel is actually Avenger possessing him and/or posing as him. Decoy Protagonist: This is really more Bazett and Avenger's story.Question: The main heroine of this fandisk is Fujimura Taiga. Deadpan Snarker: He tends to snark a lot in his internal monologues, even more than he did in Fate/stay night.Therefore, he can only use any magic that has anything to do with these ( Reinforcement, Spontaneous Weapon Creation, Structural Analysis and Bounded Fields) Lifelong contact with Avalon has altered his Element and Origin to Sword. Crippling Overspecialization: Justified.Shirou's quite the gentleman, can you blame him when he's getting weird thoughts while he's holding Saber's hands while she's swimming in a two-piece? which means Illya's pool date could be considered the only glimpse we've ever gotten of the Illya Route. The pool dates take place in timelines where Shirou got together with the girl he takes there. He outright mentions being in a "relationship" with Illya during the pool date, and tells her seeing her in a swimsuit made his heart race the most.Though one pool event in particular sheds some doubt on this.

Comedic Lolicon: In certain scenes he expresses a clear attraction to Illya (which is obviously mutual), but for one reason or another doesn't consider her an actual love interest.She's older than him, just looks younger. Big Little Brother: To Illya, his adopted sister.His Structural Analysis spell may not seem like much, but then it forms a HUGE part of his more powerful abilities.Just see his and Saber's battle against Archer, wherein after several loops of getting sniped in seconds, Shirou turns the entire thing around into a Single-Stroke Battle in his favor. Due to being aware of the time loops and being able to prepare accordingly for any deaths, he manages to avert quite a few deaths thanks to thinking of possibilities.

The protagonist of the series, Shirou is a rather untalented magus whose only skill is basic Tracing and Reinforcement magic, which allows him to analyze the physical make-up of an object and then strengthen it.